Established 2016
Welcome to the Pelican Protege Meetup
If you've found your way here, it's likely because service to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a great part of your SCA experience.
The Service path isn't as simple as studying how things were once done pre-seventeenth century. In fact, we're often faced with how to balance what we do with the modern world and how to create the best environment that is going to offer the magic of the society that we love.
Sometimes we find ourselves astray from the magic and why we joined the SCA in the first place. We get caught up in laws and policies and that can feel like we're alone. The truth is that you're not. Someone has likely been right where you are today. There's likely someone in your place now.
The Pelican Protege Meetup is a safe space for anyone serious about the service path to work together in assisting ourselves and our society grow. Here we welcome any discussion related to the service path and/or the dynamics of the Pelican and Protege relationship. We also welcome those who are not a Pelican or a Protege. This is also a great space if you're a Pelican who is looking to take Proteges or a person looking become a Protege of a Pelican. You can learn a lot not just about service, but what may be expected of you in these roles.
Change won't likely happen over night, but together we can make that change happen a little faster. We can make service a more productive and fun experience for everyone.